Kindergarten Calendar
Christmas Art Project by the PGA
1st Kindergarten of Mykonos Town
Art & Culture
Editorial Design
Ahead of Christmas 2019, the members of the PGA at the 1st Mykonos Kindergarten (myself included) decided to create something original and truly special – namely, a calendar for the upcoming year. The calendar is divided into 12 sections, each consisting of two pages: one listing the days of the respective month and another with a very unique kind of illustration. These paintings were custom-made by our preschoolers, who dipped their hands into various colors and pressed them onto paper to create a lovely series of images – one for each month of the year. Square-shaped instead of the usual rectangle, and foldable instead of being held together by the commonplace spiral, the calendar can be pinned onto the wall. The illustration looks up while the page with the days of the month looks down. Filled with colours and youthful creativity, it really did make time pass a little easier.